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WinWinD delivers three wind turbines Estonia

更新時間:2013-05-11 21:22:34  點擊熱度:1560

WinWinD will deliver three wind turbines to Aulepa Wind Park for the Estonian energy company Eesti Energia by the summer of 2011.
The wind park will gain 9 MW of new capacity and its annual energy production will grow by 23 GWh, WinWinD says.

The construction work of the second stage of the wind park will begin this month and a year later the three wind turbines will be erected and will be ready to generate electricity. The additional WWD-3 turbines will be of the same type of 3 MW WinWinD turbines, running in the Aulepa Wind Park today.

Opened in summer 2009, Aulepa Wind Park has 13 wind turbines with the total capacity of 39 MW. After the completion of the second stage the wind farm will have total capacity of 48 MW and the annual energy production will be raised up to 123 GWh.

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